How to Get the Most Skill Points in NBA 2K12
Contents [hide]
- Introduction
- How to get the most skill points
- How to use your skill points
- The benefits of having more skill points
- How to get the most out of your skill points
- The best way to use your skill points
- The worst way to use your skill points
- How to maximize your skill points
- How to get the most bang for your buck with skill points
- Conclusion
Here are some tips on how to get the most Skill Points in NBA 2K12.
In NBA 2K12, there are a few different ways that you can earn skill points. The most common way to earn skill points is by playing the game and completing certain tasks. For example, you can earn skill points by completing challenges, winning games and improving your player’s attribute.
another way to earn skill points is by
Another way to get skill points is to buy them with VC (Virtual Currency). You can use VC to buy a number of things in NBA 2K12, including clothes for your MyPlayer, animations, and of course – skill points. The price for skill points varies depending on how many you want to buy.
You can also earn 10 free skill points by linking your Facebook account with NBA 2K12. To do this, go to the ‘Options’ menu and select the ‘Connections’ tab. From here, you will be able to link your Facebook account with the game.
How to get the most skill points
Whether you’re just starting out in NBA 2K12 or are looking to gain an edge on the competition, there are a few things you can do to maximize the skill points (SP) you earn in each game. By following these simple tips, you can quickly raise your player’s overall rating and become a dominant force on the virtual hardwood.
Here are a few tips to get the most skill points in NBA 2K12:
-Play on legendary difficulty: This may seem like a no-brainer, but playing on the game’s highest difficulty setting will net you more SP than if you play on an easier setting. If you’re just starting out, play a few games on rookie or pro difficulty to get acclimated to the game before bumping up to legend.
-Do well in mini-games: Most gamers overlook the value of mini-games when it comes to raising their player’s SP, but doing well in these challenge can actually net you a decent amount of extra SP. Shootaround and 3-point contests are a great way to rack up some quick points, so be sure to take advantage of them when they’re available.
-Focus on one area: When playing through your My Player career, it’s important to focus on developing one area of your game at a time. Trying to improve everything at once will not only spread your SP thin, but it will also make it harder to match up against specific players. If you want to be a good scorer, for example, focus solely on improving your shooting and leave your passing for another time.
By following these tips, you can quickly start racking up skill points and take your My Player career to the next level.
How to use your skill points
You’ve just completed your first season in NBA 2K12, and you want to know how to use your skill points. You’ve probably seen people with 99 overall players, and you want to know how they did it. Well, here are a few tips on how to use your skill points to get the most out of your player.
First, you need to decide what kind of player you want to be. Are you going to be a shooting guard who scores a lot of points, or are you going to be a point guard who distributes the ball? Once you’ve decided what kind of player you want to be, you need to start spending your skill points accordingly.
If you want to be a scoring shooting guard you’re going to want to put most of your points into your shooting attributes such as mid-range shot and Three-Point Shot If you want to be a playmaking point guard you’re going to want to put most of your points into ball handling and passing.
Once you’ve decided what kind of player you want to be and have started spending your skill points accordingly, you need to start thinking about which badges you want to equip. Badges are special abilities that give your player an edge on the court. For example, there is a badge that allows your shot attempts to have a higher chance of going in when contested by the defense.
There are dozens of different Badges in NBA 2K12, and each one has different requirements that need to be met before it can be equipped. Some badges can only be equipped by certain players (e.g., shooters can equip the hot zone hunter badge whereas big men cannot), so it’s important that you choose wisely when deciding which badge(s) to equip.
If you follow these tips, you should be well on your way towards building a 99 overall player in NBA 2K12.
The benefits of having more skill points
Many people think that having more skill points in NBA 2K12 makes you a better player, but that’s not always the case. While it’s true that you can use skill points to improve your player’s attributes, there are other factors that are just as important, if not more so. Here are some things to keep in mind when trying to get the most skill points in NBA 2K12.
First and foremost, remember that your player’s position and playing style will dictate how many skill points you can earn. If you want to max out your player’s potential, it’s important to choose a position and playing style that will allow you to earn the most skill points. For example, point guards tend to earn more skill points than centers because they typically have the ball in their hands more often. Similarly, players who like to drive to the basket will often earn more skill points than those who prefer to shoot from the perimeter.
In addition, the difficulty level you select will also affect how many skill points you can earn. Playing on a higher difficulty level will generally allow you to earn more skill points than playing on an easier difficulty level. This is because on higher difficulty levels, the computer-controlled players are tougher to beat and therefore award more points for each victory.
Finally, keep in mind that certain achievements in NBA 2K12 will also net you bonus skill points. So if you’re having trouble earning skill points through normal gameplay, be sure to check out the game’s achievements and see if there are any you can complete for an extra boost.
How to get the most out of your skill points
In NBA 2K12, there are a lot of different ways that you can use your skill points. You can use them to improve your player’s attributes, or you can use them to buy new animations or abilities. You can even use them to improve your team’s chemistry.
But how do you know which way is the best way to spend your skill points?
Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your skill points in NBA 2K12:
– Use your skill points to improve your player’s shooting attributes first. This will make it easier for you to score points and it will also make it easier for you to get open shots.
– Use your skill points to improve your player’s dribbling attributes next. This will make it easier for you to create space on the court, and it will also make it easier for you to get past defenders.
– Use your skill points to improve your player’s passing attributes last. This will make it easier for you to find open teammates, and it will also make it easier for you to set up scoring opportunities.
The best way to use your skill points
There is a debate among “NBA 2K” fans about the best use of skill points. Some say that it is best to spread them out among different attributes while others contend that it is better to focus on one or two areas. The truth is that there is no right or wrong answer, and it really depends on your playing style.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when deciding how to use your skill points:
-Think about what type of player you want to be. Are you a versatile all-around player or someone who specializes in one area?
-Consider your strengths and weaknesses. If you’re already good at shooting, you might want to focus on improving your defense.
-Think about the role you want to play on your team. If you’re the best scorer, you might want to focus on becoming a better passer so you can be more of a playmaker.
-Don’t forget about your badge progress! You’ll need to earn certain badges to unlock certain animations and abilities, so make sure you’re working towards those as well.
The bottom line is that there is no “correct” way to use your skill points, so just experiment and see what works best for you.
The worst way to use your skill points
In NBA 2K12, you have the opportunity to improve your player’s skill set by spending “skill points.” You receive these points as you level up your player, and they can be spent in a number of different areas, including shooting, passing, dribbling, rebounding, and so on.
However, there is one major problem with the skill point system in NBA 2K12: it is far too easy to “max out” your player in one particular area, and as a result, you end up with a player who is extremely good at one thing and not very good at anything else.
This is not how real-life basketball players work. In the real world, even the best players have weaknesses that they must overcome. And while it may be fun to create a “superstar” in NBA 2K12 who can do everything perfectly, it ultimately makes for a less interesting and less challenging game.
So what’s the solution? The best way to use your skill points is to spread them out evenly among all of the different areas. This way, you’ll end up with a well-rounded player who can do a little bit of everything well. Yes, this means that you’ll never have a player who is truly great at any one thing; but trust us, in the long run, this will make for a more enjoyable and more challenging game.
How to maximize your skill points
There are a few different ways that you can use to maximize your skill points in NBA 2K12. One way is to play on the harder difficulty settings. The higher the difficulty setting, the more skill points you will earn for each game. Another way to earn more skill points is to play in the longer seasons. The longer the season, the more games you will play and the more skill points you will earn. You can also try to get bonus objectives during games. These bonus objectives will give you extra skill points for completing them. Finally, you can buy skill point boosts from the in-game store. These boosts will give you a temporary increase in the amount of skill points that you earn.
How to get the most bang for your buck with skill points
The best way to get the most skill points in NBA 2K12 is to complete all of the available tutorials. These will give you a solid foundation of skills and provide plenty of points to get you started. You can also replay tutorials as many times as you want, so if you’re struggling with a particular task, make sure to revisiting the tutorial until you master it.
In addition to tutorials, another great way to rack up skill points is by playing in the Jordan Rec Center. Here you’ll be able to participate in mini-games and pick-up games against other players, both online and offline. The more games you play, the more points you’ll earn, so make sure to take advantage of this mode whenever you can.
Here are a few final tips to help you get the most skill points in NBA 2K12:
-Play on the highest difficulty setting you can handle. The higher the difficulty, the more skill points you’ll earn.
-Focus on one or two specific areas of your game and try to become elite at those. The more well-rounded you are, the fewer skill points you’ll earn in total.
-Make use of every opportunity to rack up stats and earn achievements. These will all give you a nice boost to your skill points total.
With these tips in mind, go out and dominate the competition in NBA 2K12!