NBA Slides: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

With the NBA season finally underway, we take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly of the league so far.

The Good

This season has had some great moments, although it feels like they’ve been overshadowed by the bad and the ugly. Let’s take a look at some of the good moments.

The Houston Rockets have been arguably the best team in the NBA all season. They have the best record in the league and are led by MVP candidate James Harden The Rockets have been WOWING fans with their threes all season. They recently broke the record for most threes in a season, and they are still going! Steph Curry and Klay Thompson of the Golden State Warriors may have something to say about that, but Houston is definitely leading the pack when it comes to threes.

Another great story this season has been the return of Dwyane Wade Wade spent last season with his hometown Chicago Bulls but this season he’s back with the Miami Heat where he spent most of his career. Wade is having a great season, and he recently surpassed Kobe Bryant on the all-time scoring list. It’s been great to see Wade back in a Heat uniform, and it’s clear that he still has a lot of game left in him.

What other moments from this season would you put in the “good” category?

The Bad

The NBA has had some Great players in its history, but it has also had its share of bad players. Here are some of the worst performers in NBA history

The Ugly

No one wants to end up on an NBA slide, especially not the professionals who make a living playing basketball Unfortunately, there are times when players find themselves in compromising positions and their only recourse is to brace for impact. Here are some of the most cringe-worthy slides in NBA history

The Good: Part 2

In Part 2 of our series on NBA slides, we take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly of some recent designs. We also provide some tips on how to improve your next NBA slide deck.

The Good:

1. Use high-quality images.

2. Make sure your text is easy to read.

3. Use clear and concise language.

4. Keep your slide decks focused on one topic.

5. Use design elements sparingly.

The Bad: Part 2

To continue from last slide, the Bad part 2. Let’s take a look at some stats from last year. The team that wins the title, their supporting cast is often good. Out of the last 10 champs, only 3 teams were not in the top half of the league in terms of DRtg.

-The 2010 Lakers were 11th
-The 2009 Lakers were 10th
-The 2008 Celtics were 16th

This year’s Warriors are currently 9th in DRtg. So they’re not great, but they’re not bad either. However, there are some teams that are shockingly bad on defense.

The Ugly: Part 2

The second installment of our “Ugly” series features the NBA teams that have been the biggest disappointment this season. These five teams had high hopes coming into the season, but have failed to meet expectations.

The Good: Part 3

In this part, we’ll look at the third reason why the NBA is awesome: The Tanking.

The Tanking is when a team’s management decides to intentionally lose games in order to secure a higher draft pick

This might seem like a bad thing, but it’s actually great for the league!

It keeps teams from getting too dominant, and it allows for new stars to emerge.

Plus, it’s just really fun to watch teams lose on purpose.

The Bad: Part 3

In the final part of our series on NBA slides, we take a look at the bad. These are the slides that make you cringe, the ones that make you wonder why they were ever presented in the first place. We’ve all been there – you’re in a meeting and someone clicks to the next slide, only to be greeted by a confusing mess of text and images. The person presenting doesn’t say anything, and neither do you because you’re too busy trying to figure out what you’re supposed to be looking at.

These are the slides that leave you feeling frustrated and confused. If you’ve ever been in a presentation where you just couldn’t follow along, chances are it was due to bad slide design. So what makes a bad slide? Let’s take a look at three common design mistakes that can make your slides hard to read and even harder to understand.

1.Too Much Text
When it comes to slides, less is almost always more. Packing too much text onto a slide is one of the surest ways to create a confusing and difficult-to-read slide. Remember, people are going to be trying to read your slides while also listening to you speak. If there’s too much text on the screen, they’re not going to be able to do both effectively.

If you absolutely must include several bullet points on a single slide, try using short phrases or even single words instead of full sentences. This will make your slide easier to read and will also force you to be more concise in your explanation. After all, if all you have room for is one word per bullet point, you can’t waste time with unnecessary details!

2.Poor Font Choice
Another common mistake people make is using fonts that are hard to read or that don’t contrast well with the background color of their slides. When choosing a font for your slides, remember that simplicity is key. Avoid fancy or decorative fonts – stick with basic sans serif fonts like Arial or Helvetica instead. And when it comes to size, bigger is almost always better. You want people in the back row of your meeting room to be able to read your slides without straining their eyes.

We saved this one for last because it truly is the worst mistake you can make when designing your slides: using transitional phrases like “as you can see here…” or “as we discussed earlier…” These phrases are unnecessary and serve only to clutter up your slide deck. If your audience can see what you’re talking about, they don’t need you to tell them! And if they can’t see what you’re talking about… well, then maybe your slide deck needs some work after all

The Ugly: Part 3

The NBA’sSlide season has come to an end, and while some of the league’s young superstars have taken big steps forward, there are a few players who have taken a Step Back In this final edition of our “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” series, we take a look at the player who has been the biggest disappointment this season.


Thank you for reading our NBA slides! We hope you enjoyed learning about the Top Players in the league and their stats. We also hope you found our analysis of the good, the bad, and the ugly teams helpful.

We would love to hear your thoughts on our slides. Please feel free to leave a comment below or contact us at [email protected]

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