How Much Does the Purdue Basketball Coach Make?

How much does the Purdue men’s basketball coach make? We break down the numbers and look at the factors that contribute to Matt Painter’s salary.

Salaries of college basketball coaches

In 2017, the average salary for college basketball coaches was $2.9 million. However, there is a wide range in salaries, with some coaches making over $7 million per year and others making less than $1 million.

The highest-paid coach in 2017 was John Calipari of the University of Kentucky who made $7.8 million. The lowest-paid coach was Steve Pikiell of Rutgers University who made $1 million.

There are a number of factors that can affect a coach’s salary, including the size and budget of the school, the conference the school is in, the team’s recent performance, and the coach’s own experience and success.

How much does the average college basketball coach make?

In the United States College Basketball coaches are some of the highest-paid employees at their respective universities. In 2019, the average annual salary for a Division I men’s basketball coach was $2.67 million, while the average for a Division I women’s basketball coach was $1.29 million.

The highest-paid College Basketball coach in 2019 was John Calipari of the University of Kentucky who made $8.42 million. Mike Krzyzewski of Duke University was second, with $7.29 million in annual compensation. Rick Pitino of Louisville was third, at $7.02 million.

At the other end of the spectrum, there are several college basketball coaches who make less than $300,000 per year. Among these are Leonard Hamilton of Florida State ($275,000), Jay Wright of Villanova ($250,000), and Jim Boeheim of Syracuse ($235,000).

The top 10 highest-paid college basketball coaches

In 2019, the average salary for a Division I men’s basketball coach was $2.01 million, according to USA Today That’s up from $1.36 million in 2009 and $1.64 million in 2004. Below are the 10 highest-paid coaches in 2019, according to USA Today:

1. John Calipari Kentucky: $8,158,000
2. Mike Krzyzewski Duke: $7,317,000
3. Bill Self, Kansas: $5,308,000
4. Tom Izzo, Michigan State $4,004,000
5. Chris Beard, Texas Tech $3,980,000
6. Jay Wright Villanova: $3,890,000
7. Shaka Smart, Texas: $3,752,172
8. Leonard Hamilton, Florida State $3 million
9. Bruce Pearl Auburn: $2.975 million
10. Roy Williams North Carolina $2.926 million

The top 5 lowest-paid college basketball coaches

In today’s ever-growing college athletics landscape, it’s easy to forget that not every school can pay its coaches top dollar. In fact, there are several schools whose basketball programs are run on a shoestring budget.

Here are the 5 lowest-paid college basketball coaches, according to USA Today’s most recent coaching salary database:

1. Steve Masiello, Manhattan: $254,837
2. Eddie Jordan Rutgers: $550,000
3. Johnny Jones, LSU: $600,000
4. Mark Pope, BYU: $625,000
5. Frank Martin South Carolina $2.1 million

How much does Purdue basketball coach Matt Painter make?

Purdue Basketball Coach Matt Painter is reportedly one of the highest-paid coaches in the NCAA. His exact salary has not been made public, but it is believed to be in excess of $3 million per year. This makes him one of the highest-paid state employees in Indiana.

How much does Purdue president Mitch Daniels make?

Purdue president Mitch Daniels is set to make $420,000 in base salary this year, among other forms of compensation.

The total value of his pay package this year — which includes a housing allowance, a car allowance and deferred compensation — is $853,000, according to tax filings. That’s an increase of about 2 percent from the previous year.

Daniels is one of the highest-paid public university presidents in the country. His base salary ranks him 11th among public university presidents, according to The Chronicle of Higher Education’s most recent survey of presidential pay.

A comparison of the salaries of college basketball coaches and presidents

In recent years the salaries of college basketball coaches have come under scrutiny. Some have argued that these coaches are paid too much, especially compared to the salaries of university presidents. Let’s take a look at some numbers to see if there is any merit to this claim.

According to USA Today, the average salary for a Division I men’s basketball coach in 2019 was $2.0 million. The average salary for a university president was $190,869. This means that college basketball coaches are paid an average of 10.6 times more than university presidents.

When looking at the top-paid coaches, the disparity is even greater. The highest-paid coach in 2019 was Duke’s Mike Krzyzewski who earned $9.7 million. The highest-paid president was Texas A&M’s Michael Kranzkowski, who earned $1 million. This means that Coach K was paid 9700% more than President Kranzkowski!

It’s clear that there is a big difference in the salaries of College Basketball coaches and university presidents. Whether or not this is fair is up for debate.

How much do assistant College Basketball coaches make?

Assistant college basketball coaches typically earn significantly less than their head coaching counterparts. According to a 2017 report from USA Today, the average assistant college basketball coach earned $133,000 annually, while the average Head Coach earned over $2 million.

How do college basketball coaches’ salaries compare to those of other professional athletes?

In order to answer this question, we need to compare the salaries of college basketball coaches to those of other professional athletes. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do this because there is no central database of all professional athletes’ salaries. However, we can look at some specific examples to get an idea of how these salaries compare.

According to USA Today, the average salary for a Division I men’s Basketball Coach was $2.01 million in 2019. The highest-paid coach in Division I was Duke’s Mike Krzyzewski, who made $9.68 million that year. Notably, Krzyzewski’s salary is more than double the average salary for an NBA head coach which was $4 million in 2019 (according to Forbes).

Interestingly, college basketball coaches’ salaries are not just higher than those of NBA head coaches; they are also higher than those of NFL head coaches In 2019, the average NFL Head Coach made $6 million per year (according to USA Today). So, while there are some college basketball coaches who make less than their counterparts in other professional sports leagues, the average coach in this particular sport still earns a very comfortable salary.

What factors affect a college basketball coach’s salary?

A college basketball coach’s salary is affected by many factors, including the size and budget of the school, the conference they’re in, their win-loss record, and their ability to attract top recruits The average salary for a Division I Head coach is $1.36 million per year, but some coaches make much more than that. For example, Duke head coach Mike Krzyzewski makes $7 million per year, making him the highest-paid college basketball coach in the country.

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