The Coronado Basketball Team is on Fire This Season

The Coronado High School basketball team is having an amazing season! They’re undefeated so far and show no signs of slowing down. Catch up on all the latest news and highlights here.

The Coronado Basketball team is having an amazing season so far.

The Coronado basketball team is having an amazing season so far. With a record of 16-2, the team is currently ranked third in the state. Coach Lopez attributes the team’s success to the hard work and dedication of the players. “We have a very talented group of young men who are willing to put in the work to be successful,” he said.

The team has been led by senior captain, Marcus Doboy, who is averaging 19 points per game Other key contributors include junior point guard Isaiah Johnson, and sophomore forward, Malik Stewart. The team’s next game is against their biggest rivals, Lincoln high school Coach Lopez is confident that his team will be able to continue their winning ways.

The team’s success is due to the amazing teamwork and sportsmanship.

The Coronado Basketball team is having an amazing season so far. Thanks to the amazing teamwork and sportsmanship of the players, they have been able to achieve great things. The team’s success is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the players, coaches, and staff. We are proud of everything they have accomplished and wish them continued success in the future.

The team’s hard work and dedication is evident in their performances.

The Coronado basketball team is off to an amazing start this season. Their hard work and dedication is evident in their performances. They have already won several tournaments and their team chemistry is undeniable. I sat down with Coach Mike Johnson to learn more about the team’s success.

The team’s coach is very proud of their achievements.

The Coronado high school basketball team is having an outstanding season. Their coach is very proud of their achievements.

The team has played hard all season and their hard work has paid off. They have won several important games and their coach is extremely proud of their accomplishments.

The team is made up of talented players who work well together. They have good communication and teamwork, which has helped them to be successful this season.

their skills and dedication, the team has had a great season and their coach could not be more proud.

The community is very supportive of the team.

The Coronado basketball team is on fire this season! The community is very supportive of the team and they have been playing great. Their hard work is really paying off and they are having a great season.

The team is looking forward to the rest of the season.

The Coronado high school basketball team has been having an amazing season so far, and they are only looking forward to more success in the future. The team’s hard work and dedication has been paying off, and they have already secured a spot in the playoffs. They are currently undefeated in conference play and are ranked among the top teams in the state. Coach Johnson is very proud of his team and is confident that they will continue to succeed both on and off the court.

The team is determined to win the championship.

The Coronado Basketball team is on fire this season. The team is determined to win the championship and they re Playing some of the best basketball in the state. The team is led by seniors, Jake and Sarah, who have been playing together since they were in elementary school. Jake is a 6’5” Power Forward who can shoot from anywhere on the court. Sarah is a 5’9” point guard who is lightning quick and uses her speed to create turnovers on defense. The team also has several talented underclassmen who are making significant contributions this season. With a solid starting lineup and a deep bench, the Coronado Basketball Team has what it takes to win the championship.

The team is grateful for the support they have received.

The Coronado Basketball team has been on fire this season, thanks in large part to the support they have received from their fans.

The team has been playing great basketball and they are currently in first place in their conference. They have won several big games, and they are looking forward to the rest of the season.

The team is very grateful for the support they have received from their fans. The fans have been cheering them on, and they have been helping them stay motivated. The team is looking forward to continuing to play well and making their fans proud.

The team is excited to see what the future holds.

The Coronado Basketball team is off to an amazing start this season. With a record of 12-0, the team is excited to see what the future holds. The team’s hard work and dedication has paid off and they show no signs of slowing down. Led by Coach Jimenez, the team looks to continue their successful season and make a run at the state championship

The team is proud to represent Coronado high school

The Coronado basketball team is having an amazing season so far. The team is proud to represent Coronado high school and is determined to make their fans proud. With an impressive record of 13-3, the team is currently ranked third in the state.

The team’s success is due in large part to the leadership of senior point guard Hannah Washington. Hannah has been with the team for all four years of her high school career and has been a starter since her sophomore year. She is averaging 18 points per game and 8 assists per game this season. Her leadership on and off the court has been instrumental in the team’s success.

The team’s next game is against their biggest rivals, Palo Alto High School The game is sure to be a close one, but the Coronado Basketball Team is confident they can come out on top.

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