Double A Baseball Salary: How Much do Players Make?

From the lowliest rookie to the superstar slugger, every player in Major League Baseball is paid according to the same salary structure.


baseball players are some of the most popular athletes in the world. But what do they get paid? In this article, we’ll take a look at the average salary for a Double A baseball player

Double A baseball is the second level of professional baseball in the United States behind Major League Baseball (MLB). There are two Double A leagues – the Eastern League and the Southern League. Each league has 14 teams, for a total of 28 Double A teams across the country.

The average salary for a Double A baseball player is $3,000 per month, or $36,000 per year. This is low compared to other professional athletes, but it is still a good salary considering that many Double A players are only 20 years old and are just starting their careers. The salary range for Double A players can vary widely, from $1,500 to $7,500 per month. The higher salaries are typically reserved for players with more experience or who have been drafted by an MLB team.

What is Double A baseball?

Double A baseball is the second level of Professional Baseball in the United States behind Major League Baseball There are 30 teams in Double A, spread across 16 states. The vast majority of players in Double A are prospects who are trying to work their way up to the majors, although there are always a few older players who have been demoted from the MLB or are trying to work their way back up.

The salary for a player in Double A baseball varies depending on a number of factors, including experience, performance, and length of contract. The average salary for a player in Double A baseball is $55,000 per year. However, salaries can range from $37,000 per year for a rookie to over $100,000 per year for a veteran with several years of experience.

The history of Double A baseball

The history of Double A baseball is a long and storied one. The term “Double A” was first used in 1901, when the National Association of Professional baseball leagues the organization that would eventually become major league baseball divided its membership into two classes: Class A and Class B.

In 1907, the minor leagues were reorganized into four classes: Class A, Class B, Class C, and Class D. Double A baseball was born.

Today, there are 30 Double A teams spread across the United States and Canada. Each team is affiliated with a Major League club, and each club controls the players on its Double A roster.

The average salary for a Double A player is $2,150 per month. That’s $25,800 per year. The salary range for Double AA players is $1,700 to $2,700 per month ($20,400 to $32,400 per year).

How much do Double A baseball players make?

While minor league salaries have increased in recent years they are still far below what Major League players make In fact, the average salary for a Double A player is just over $2,000 per month. This means that many players are barely scraping by, especially if they have to pay for their own housing and travel expenses.

Of course, there are some players who make more than the average salary. For instance, the top 10 percent of Double A players make an average of $6,400 per month. However, even these salaries are relatively low when compared to the Major League minimum salary of $500,000 per year.

How does Double A baseball compare to other baseball leagues?

While Major League Baseball is the highest level of professional baseball in the United States there are several other professional baseball leagues in the country. One of these is Double A, which is considered to be a step below the Major Leagues So, how do Double A baseball salaries compare to those in other leagues?

In general, Double A baseball salaries are lower than those in the Major Leagues The average salary in Double A is $52,000, while the average salary in the Major Leagues is $4 million. However, there is a wide range of salaries in both leagues. For example, some players in Double A may make as little as $13,000 per season, while some players in the major leagues may make over $30 million per season.

One reason that Double A salaries are lower than those in the Major Leagues is that there are fewer opportunities for players to earn money from endorsements and other sources of income. In addition, players in Double A are not eligible for Free agency which means that they cannot negotiate for higher salaries when their contracts expire.

What are the benefits of playing Double A baseball?

There are many benefits to playing Double A baseball. The higher level of competition can lead to better development and exposure to professional scouts. Double A players also earn a higher salary than players at lower levels, with the average salary in 2018 being $2,150 per month.

What are the drawbacks of playing Double A baseball?

While playing Double A baseball can be a great way to develop your skills and break into the professional ranks, there are some drawbacks to consider as well. One of the biggest is the pay. Players in Double A earn significantly less than those in the majors, with salaries ranging from $1,200 to $2,150 per month during the regular season That can be tough to live on, particularly if you have family or other obligations.

Another drawback is the level of competition. While Double A features some of the best players in minor league baseball it’s still a notch below the majors in terms of overall talent. That can make it difficult to adjust if you’re called up to the big leagues as the jump in competition can be significant.

Finally, there’s the travel. Double A teams often play in smaller towns and cities that don’t have the same amenities as larger markets. That means long bus rides between cities and fewer options for off-field activities. If you don’t enjoy spending time on a bus or living out of a suitcase, Double A baseball may not be for you.

Is Double A baseball a good investment for players?

Double A baseball is the second level of professional baseball in the United States behind Triple A. Many Major League Baseball (MLB) players start in Double A before being called up to the majors. But what does that mean for their salaries?

The average salary for a Double A player is $2,150 per month, or $25,800 per year, according to data from the MLB Players Association That’s almost four times the minimum wage of $7.25 per hour in the U.S., but it’s still far below the MLB minimum salary of $535,000 per year.

So why do players choose to play Double A baseball? For some, it’s an opportunity to prove themselves and move up to the majors. For others, it may be a way to prolong their career or stay involved in the game after their Major League career has ended.

There are also financial incentives for playing Double A baseball. Players can earn bonuses for being called up to the majors or for winning awards. And while their salaries are low by Major League standards, they are still well above average compared to other professions.

What do experts say about Double A baseball?

When it comes to Double A baseball, the experts have a lot to say. player development is key in this level, and there are players that move up and down frequently. The talent level also varies widely, with some players destined for the Major Leagues and others trying to hang on to their Baseball Career for as long as possible.


In conclusion, players in the MLB can expect to make a pretty penny. However, it is important to note that the average player’s salary is much lower than that of the league’s superhuman stars. The average player made $416,000 in 2016 while the highest-paid player, Zack Greinke made a staggering $34.4 million. So while most players can expect to live quite comfortably, they will have to continue to hustle if they want to make it to the big leagues

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