How Much Do High School Basketball Coaches Make?

How Much Do High School Basketball Coaches Make?

High school Basketball coaches are responsible for leading their team to success on the court. But how much do they earn for their efforts? We take a look at the average salary for high school basketball coaches across the United States


In the United States high school basketball coaches earn an average salary of $51,609 per year. Experienced coaches with many years of experience can earn up to $85,000 per year. The highest-paid coach in the country is John Calipari of the University of Kentucky who earns an annual salary of $7.4 million.

How much do high school basketball coaches make?

The answer to this question depends on numerous factors, such as the location of the school, the size of the school, the conference in which the school competes, and the success of the team. In general, however, high school Basketball Coaches make significantly less than their counterparts at the collegiate or professional level.

According to a report from USA Today the average salary for a high school basketball coach in the United States is $51,604. However, this figure varies widely from state to state; for example, coaches in California earn an average of $77,129 per year, while those in South Dakota make an average of only $32,000.

In addition to their base salary, high school basketball coaches may also receive stipends for things like coaching summer camps or running other activities related to their team. These stipends can add several thousand dollars to a coach’s annual earnings.

How much do High School basketball coaches make in different states?

Basketball is a hugely popular sport in the United States enjoyed by players and fans of all ages. high school basketball coaches play a vital role in developing young talent and keeping the sport alive at the grassroots level. But how much do they earn for their efforts?

There is no simple answer, as salaries for high school basketball coaches can vary widely from state to state. In some states, such as California, New York and Texas, coaches can earn six-figure salaries. In others, such as Arkansas, Idaho and Montana, coaches earn less than $30,000 per year on average.

State-by-state salary data for high school basketball coaches is published by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFSHSA). According to the NFSHSA’s most recent report (from 2013-14), the average salary for a high school basketball coach in the United States is $51,389. However, this figure masks a significant amount of variation between states.

The highest-paying state for High school basketball coaches is California, where the average salary is $74,887 per year. New York ($73,912), Texas ($70, 292) and Illinois ($68,016) are also among the top-paying states. On the other side of the coin, Montana has the lowest average salary for high school basketball coaches at just $29,420 per year. Other low-paying states include Arkansas ($30,336), Idaho ($31,008) and South Dakota ($32,196).

Interestingly, there does not appear to be any clear correlation between a state’s level of economic development and how much it pays its high school basketball coaches. For example, California and New York are among the richest states in the country yet they also happen to be among the top-paying states for High School Basketball coaches. Similarly, Mississippi is one of the poorest states in terms of economic development but it still manages to pay its High School Basketball coaches relatively well (average salary: $60,480).

How much do high school basketball coaches make in different school districts?

The average salary for a High School basketball coach is $51,898 per year. Coaches in the top school districts, however, can make significantly more. For example, in the Los Angeles Unified School District, the average salary for a High School basketball coach is $85,790. In the New York City school system, coaches earn an average of $77,769 per year.

How much do High School basketball coaches make at private schools?

Private school coaches tend to make more money than public school coaches. However, both types of schools vary greatly in how much they pay their coaches. For example, a public school in a small town may only pay its coach $2,000 per year, while a private school in a large city may pay its coach $60,000 per year. The size of the school, the community, and the type of school all play a role in how much a High School basketball coach makes.

How much do high school basketball coaches make at public schools?

On average, public school basketball coaches make $51,890 per year, with a median salary of $50,560. However, coach salaries can vary widely by school district and state. For example, in California, the average salary for High School Basketball coaches is $77,190 per year, while in Texas it is $51,750 per year.

How much do high school basketball coaches make at charter schools?

Charter schools are publicly funded but privately operated, and they have a lot of autonomy when it comes to hiring and compensation. That means that there’s no definitive answer to the question of how much Charter School basketball coaches make.

However, we can look at some data from the National Center for Education Statistics to get a sense of the range of salaries for high school basketball coaches at charter schools. In the 2016-17 school year, the median salary for all high school basketball coaches was $41,890. The 25th percentile earned less than $31,460, and the 75th percentile earned more than $52,750.

So, while there’s no definitive answer to how much charter school basketball coaches make, we can say that they tend to make more than the median High School coach. If you’re interested in coaching at a Charter School you should research the specific school you’re interested in to get a sense of their compensation package.

How much do high school basketball coaches make at magnet schools?

high school basketball coaches at magnet schools typically make significantly more money than coaches at traditional High School Basketball programs. This is due to the fact that magnet schools are often able to offer their coaches significantly more money in salary and benefits. Magnet schools are also able to offer their coaches more exposure to top college and Professional Basketball programs, which can lead to higher-paying coaching positions at the collegiate level.

How much do High School Basketball coaches make at home schools?

The average salary for a high school basketball coach is $41,529, but this number can vary greatly depending on the school’s budget, the coach’s experience, and the school’s location. In larger cities, or at private schools, coaches can make much more. For example, the Head Coach of the boys’ basketball team at De La Salle High School in Concord, California makes $166,667 per year.

How much do high school basketball coaches make at online schools?

High school basketball coaches at online schools typically make between $30,000 and $50,000 per year.However, some may make significantly more depending on the size of the school and the level of competition.

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