How the NBA and NHL Differ

The NBA and NHL are two of the most popular professional sports leagues in the world. Though they share some similarities, there are also several key ways in which they differ. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at how the NBA and NHL differ in terms of their history, structure, and rules.


The National Basketball Association (NBA) is a Professional Basketball league in North America while the National Hockey League (NHL) is a professional Ice Hockey league. Both leagues are made up of teams from the United States and Canada, but there are some key differences between them.

The NBA is composed of 30 teams, while the NHL has 31. The NBA has more African American players than the NHL does, while the NHL has more Canadian players The NBA season runs from October to April, while the NHL season runs from September to June. The NBA playoffs consist of 16 teams, while the NHL playoffs consist of 14 teams.

The biggest difference between the two leagues is the style of play. Basketball is a fast-paced game with lots of scoring, while hockey is a more physical game with less scoring. This difference is reflected in the average length of games: an NBA game is 48 minutes long, while an NHL game is 60 minutes long.

League Structure

In the National Basketball Association (NBA), there are two conferences: the Eastern Conference and the Western Conference Each conference consists of three divisions, and each division has five teams. The NBA season is 82 games long, and at the end of the regular season the playoffs begin. The playoffs consist of eight teams from each conference, and the teams that win their respective playoff series advance to the next round until there are only two teams left. These two teams compete in the NBA Finals with the winner being crowned NBA Champion

The National Hockey League (NHL) is structured differently than the NBA. The NHL has two conferences as well: the Eastern Conference and the Western Conference However, each conference has only two divisions instead of three. Additionally, while each NBA team plays 82 regular season games, each NHL team plays only 82. Finally, while 16 teams make the playoffs in the NBA, only 12 make the playoffs in the NHL. In order to make the playoffs in the NHL, a team must finish in first place or second place in its division (or as one of the top four Wild Card teams). Just like in the NBA, winning a playoff series earns a team a spot in the next round until there are only two remaining. These final two teams then compete for Lord Stanley’s Cup—the championship trophy of the NHL.

Player Salaries

In the National Basketball Association player salaries are capped at a certain percentage of the league’s total revenue. For the 2019-2020 Season the salary cap was $109.14 million, with a luxury tax threshold of $132.6 million. The NBA’s salary cap is tied to league revenue, which has been steadily increasing in recent years In the 2018-2019 season, the NBA generated $9.1 billion in revenue, and that number is expected to increase to $10 billion by 2021.

In contrast, there is no salary cap in the National Hockey League Instead, each team has a “salary floor” that it must meet each year. The salary floor for the 2019-2020 season was $60 million. While there is no salary cap there is a “hard cap” on team payrolls. This means that teams cannot exceed the salary cap by more than 10% during any given season. For example, if the salary cap for a particular season is $100 million, the maximum amount that any team can spend on Player Salaries is $110 million.

Revenue Sources

The NBA and NHL rely on different sources of revenue. The NBA gets a large portion of its revenue from TV contracts, while the NHL relies more heavily on ticket sales and merchandise.

The NBA has a larger global reach than the NHL, which gives it an advantage when negotiating TV contracts. The NBA’s TV partners are ESPN/ABC and TNT, which are both owned by Disney. The NHL’s TV partners are NBC and Rogers (in Canada).

The NBA also generates more revenue from merchandise sales than the NHL. The league has partnerships with Nike, Adidas, and Under Armour, among others. The NHL has partnerships with Adidas and Reebok.

Media Coverage

While the NHL does not get the same television airtime as the NBA, it does attract a passionate, global fan base. There are a number of reasons for this discrepancy, but one of the biggest is that NBA games are played during the winter when there are fewer Live Sports competing for attention. In addition, the NBA has a long history and many iconic players who have helped to make basketball one of the most popular sports in the world.

The NHL, on the other hand, is a much younger league and thus doesn’t have the same level of name recognition. Hockey is also a less familiar sport to many people, which can make it harder to attract new fans. However, the NHL has been growing in popularity in recent years thanks in part to increased media coverage and the talents of young stars like Sidney Crosby and Alexander Ovechkin.


The NBA is widely considered the premier professional Basketball League in the world, while the NHL is lesser known globally, but still highly popular in North America The NBA has more star power and global appeal, while the NHL is more of a niche sport. The NBA is also more successful financially, generating higher revenues and TV ratings.


The NBA has always had higher attendance than the NHL. In 2017, the NBA averaged 17,884 fans per game, while the NHL averaged 17,409. This may not seem like a huge difference, but it adds up over the course of a season – the NHL played 1,271 games in 2017, while the NBA played 1,230. That means that, on average, the NBA had roughly 22,000 more fans at their games than the NHL did.


One major difference between the NBA and NHL is how they decide their champions. In the NBA, the team with the best Regular Season record is awarded the top seed in each conference, and then the playoffs proceed in a tournament format. The NHL does things a little differently; they award the top seed in each conference to the team that has accumulated the most points over the course of the regular season However, unlike the NBA, NASCAR does not have a playoff system instead, whichever driver accumulates the most points over the course of the season is crowned the champion.


While the National Basketball Association (NBA) is the younger of the two leagues, it has developed a rich legacy in the nearly 75 years since its inception. The National Hockey League (NHL), on the other hand, is nearly a century old and boasts a storied history full of iconic players, dynasties and unforgettable moments. Here’s a closer look at how these two professional sports leagues differ.

The NBA was founded in 1946, making it about 30 years younger than the NHL. However, the NBA has quickly cemented its place as one of the premier professional sports leagues in the world. Today, the NBA is comprised of 30 teams across the United States and Canada and features some of the most recognizable athletes on the planet. Lebron James Kevin Durant and Steph Curry are just a few of the household names that play in the NBA.

While the NHL may not have quite the same global appeal as the NBA, it is still considered one of the “Major Four” professional sports leagues in North America, along with baseball’s Major League Baseball (MLB), football’s National Football League (NFL) and, of course, basketball’s NBA. The NHL is made up of 31 teams across North America and features some of the most skilled and talented players in all of professional hockey Players like Sidney Crosby Alexander Ovechkin and Connor McDavid are just a few of the superstars that skate in the NHL.

One key difference between these two professional sports leagues is salaries and player contracts. In general, NBA players make significantly more money than their counterparts in the NHL. For example, during the 18-19 season Lebron James earned a staggering $35.65 million dollars while Sidney Crosby — widely considered to be one of hockey’s best players — earned “just” $12 million dollars. In fact, out of all major professional sports leagues worldwide, only soccer’s European-based UEFA Champions League pays its athletes more than basketball’s NBA.

Another key difference between these two leagues is fan support and attendance. According to data from Forbes magazine, during the 2018-19 season, NBA teams averaged 17,678 fans per game while NHL Teams averaged 17,321 fans per game. While this difference may seem small at first glance, when you consider that there are 30 teams in the NBA and 31 teams in NHL, it becomes clear that basketball fans are slightly more likely to attend games than hockey fans (on average).


In conclusion, the NBA and NHL differ in terms of their player sizes, the Number of players on each team, the size of the playing surface, the scoring system, and the rules governing play. These differences result in two very different games that appeal to different types of fans.

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