How PPG is Used in Basketball

PPG is a very important stat in basketball. It shows how many points a player scores per game. It is used to measure a player’s scoring ability and is a very important stat when it comes to determining who the best scorers are.

What is PPG?

points per game (PPG) is the most common stat used to measure a basketball player’s scoring ability. It is simply the number of points a player scores, on average, per game.

The PPG metric has been used since the late 1950s and early 1960s. It is one of the oldest and most commonly used basketball stats

Most fans and experts agree that points are the most important stat in basketball. This is because, in order to win games, teams need to score more points than their opponents. Therefore, players who can score lots of points are typically more valued than those who cannot.

The PPG stat does have some limitations. For example, it does not take into account how efficiently a player scores his or her points. A player could score 30 points in a game, but if he or she needed 50 shots to do so, then that player is not as valuable as someone who scored 30 points on only 20 shots.

PPG is also a cumulative stat, meaning that it takes into account all points scored in a career. This can be both good and bad. On one hand, it means that a player’s PPG average can increase as he or she plays more games and scores more points. On the other hand, it also means that a player’s PPG average can be artificially inflated if he or she played during a time when scoring was generally higher (such as in the 1980s).

Despite its shortcomings, the PPG stat remains the best way to measure a basketball player’s scoring ability.

How is PPG Used in Basketball?

Players’ points per game (PPG) is a statistic in basketball that measures the average number of points a player scores during a game. PPG is a useful stat for comparing players’ scoring abilities and for assessing a player’s value to their team.

While PPG is certainly not the only stat that matters in basketball, it is an important one. A player who averages 20 PPG is likely to be a better scorer than one who averages 10 PPG. Similarly, a player who averages 30 PPG is likely to be an even better scorer than one who averaging 20 PPG.

Thus, while other factors such as assists, rebounds, steals, and blocks are also important, PPG remains a key stat for assessing players’ scoring abilities and value to their team.

What are the Benefits of PPG?

There are several benefits to using PPG in basketball. Perhaps the most obvious is that it provides a clear and concise way to track a player’s scoring output. This can be helpful for coaches when evaluating players, as well as for fans who want to follow their favorite players and teams.

PPG can also be used to compare players across different eras. For example, if we know that Michael Jordan averaged 30.1 PPG during his career, we can then compare that to other players who came before or after him. This can give us a better sense of how good a player was relative to his peers.

Finally, PPG can be used to evaluate a team’s offensive performance. By tracking how many points the team scores per game, we can get a better sense of how efficient they are on offense. This information can be useful for making strategy decisions, such as whether to focus on offense or defense.

How Does PPG Help players improve Their Game?

PPG, or points per game is a statistical measure used to evaluate basketball players’ offensive production. The higher a player’s PPG, the more efficient they are at scoring points.

PPG can be used to compare players of different positions, as well as to track a player’s development over the course of their career. It is also often used as a metric for awarding individual honors, such as MVP or All-Star selections.

Players who consistently score high numbers of points per game are typically considered to be among the best offensive players in the league. In addition to being a good measure of individual offensive production, PPG is also useful for evaluating team offense. Teams with high-scoring players tend to score more points overall, and teams that score more points tend to win more games.

What are the Drawbacks of PPG?

Although PPG is a popular basketball statistic, it does have some drawbacks. One of which is that it doesn’t take into account the number of possessions a team has. This can be misleading, as a team who scores fewer Points per game may actually be more efficient than a team who scores more points per game

Another drawback of PPG is that it doesn’t consider the quality of the opposition. A team may score 100 points against a poor defensive team, but only 80 points against a Good defensive team. In this case, the team’s PPG would be artificially inflated and wouldn’t give an accurate reflection of their true offensive output.

How Do Coaches Use PPG?

There are a few different ways that coaches can use PPG when evaluating players. One way is to simply look at the raw number of points a player scores per game. This can be helpful in getting a general sense of a player’s offensive production. However, it’s important to keep in mind that this number doesn’t take into account things like shooting percentage turnover rate, or the number of shots a player takes per game. As such, it should only be used as one piece of the puzzle when evaluating a player.

Another way coaches can use PPG is by looking at how a player’s scoring output compares to that of their teammates. This is often done by calculating a player’s points per possession (PPP). This number provides a more accurate measure of a player’s offensive production, as it takes into account factors such as shooting percentage and turnover rate. Players with a high PPP are typically considered to be more efficient scorers than those with a low PPP.

Finally, coaches can also use PPG to compare players across different positions. For example, centers typically score more points than point guards As such, coaches might adjust for position when looking at a player’s PPG. This is often done by calculating a player’s points per 100 possessions (PP100). This number provides an apples-to-apples comparison of players across different positions and is often used by analysts to compare players across different eras.

How Do Scouts Use PPG?

While a player’s points per game (PPG) is certainly one important offensive stat, it’s not the only one that scouts and coaches look at when evaluating a player. Here are some other offensive stats that are often considered:

--assists per game This measures how often a player creates scoring opportunities for teammates.
--field goal percentage: This measures how often a player makes shots from the field.
-Three-point percentage: This measures how often a player makes shots from beyond the three-point line

In addition to these offensive stats, scouts and coaches will also look at a player’s defensive abilities, rebounding abilities, and overall athleticism.

What is the Future of PPG?

PPG, or points per game, is a statistic often used to measure the scoring efficiency of a basketball player However, some experts have argued that it is not an accurate measure of a player’s ability, and that other factors such as minutes played and field goal percentage should be taken into account.

The debate surrounding the use of PPG continues, but one thing is certain – the stat is here to stay. And with the way the game of basketball is evolving, it’s likely that we’ll see even more players putting up big numbers in the points column.

How Can I Use PPG to Improve My Game?

Points per game (PPG) is a statistic in basketball that measures the average number of points scored by a player in a given game. The higher a player’s PPG, the more efficient they are at scoring points.

PPG can be used as a tool to measure a player’s offensive production and to compare players across different positions. For example, a point guard who averages 10 points per game will typically score more points than a center who averages 10 points per game. However, PPG alone doesn’t tell the whole story; it’s important to consider other statistics, such as assists and rebounds, when evaluating a player’s performance.

Players who score a lot of points but don’t contribute in other ways can be considered “volume shooters” and may not be the most efficient players on the court. On the other hand, players who don’t score as many points but contribute in other ways (such as by Playing Defense or setting up their teammates for easy baskets) can be considered more valuable to their team.

When trying to improve your own game, paying attention to your PPG can be helpful in assessing your offensive production. If you’re not scoring as many points as you’d like, pay attention to factors that might be affecting your PPG, such as your shooting percentage, how often you’re getting open shots, and whether you’re taking too many contested shots. Improving your PPG is just one way to become a more well-rounded basketball player ultimately, becoming a complete player who contributes in all areas of the game is what will help you take your game to the next level.


In conclusion, PPG is a valuable stat for basketball players and teams because it measures a player’s scoring ability and efficiency. It can be used to compare players of different position and experience levels, and it’s a helpful tool for making strategic decisions on the court. Thanks for reading!

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