Baseball Doesn’t Exist – Here’s Why

A new theory has emerged that suggests baseball may not actually exist. Here’s a breakdown of the evidence that has been presented.


Baseball is a sport that is often considered America’s pastime. It is a game that has been around for centuries, with different variations being played in different parts of the world. Though it is a popular sport there are many who believe that baseball does not exist. Here are some of the reasons why people believe this:

1. There is no evidence that baseball was ever played in ancient times.
2. The first recorded Game of Baseball was played in 1839, which means that the sport is relatively new.
3. There are no pictures or paintings of people playing baseball prior to the 1800s.
4. Baseball could not have been derived from other sports, as its closest predecessor, cricket, was not invented until the early 1600s.
5. There is no concrete evidence that baseball was ever played in the United States prior to 1839.

What is baseball?

Baseball is a sport that is often considered America’s national pastime. The game is played between two teams, each with nine players, who take turns batting and fielding. The objective of the game is to score runs by hitting a ball and then running around four bases before the opposing team can get you out.

The history of baseball

Baseball is a game that is steeped in tradition and played by millions of people all over the world. It is also a game with a long and storied history, dating back to the early days of America.

The game of baseball is thought to have originated in England, and was brought over to America by immigrants. The first written reference to baseball in America was in a 1791 magazine article, which described the game as being played by children in New York City

The game quickly became popular, and by the 1830s, there were already professional teams playing in cities all over the country. The first professional team was the Cincinnati Red Stockings who were formed in 1869.

Since then, baseball has gone on to become one of America’s most popular sports with millions of people playing it at all levels, from little league to the Major Leagues

The benefits of baseball

baseball offers many benefits to those who play the game Here are just a few of the reasons why baseball is good for you:

1. playing baseball can help improve your hand-eye coordination
2. Baseball is a great way to get exercise and stay in shape
3. The game of baseball can teach you important LIFE LESSONS such as teamwork and sportsmanship.
4. playing baseball can be a great way to make new friends and have fun.

The drawbacks of baseball

The game of baseball has been around for centuries and it is one of America’s most beloved pastimes. However, there are many drawbacks to the sport that make it less than ideal for some people. Here are some of the reasons why baseball doesn’t exist:

1. The game is too slow.

2. There are too many rules and regulations.

3. The equipment is expensive and hard to find.

4. The game is dangerous and can result in injuries.

5. The season is too long and the games are often played in inclement weather.

Why baseball doesn’t exist

Baseball doesn’t exist – here’s why. There are a few different theories on the subject, but the most popular one is that baseball is a sport that was created by the government in order to keep people from playing more dangerous sports The theory goes that the government wanted to create a safe, family-friendly sport that would be easy to control and regulate.

The future of baseball

I’ve been a baseball fan my entire life. I grew up playing Little League and I went on to play in High School and college. I even played professionally for a few years. But recently, I’ve come to the conclusion that baseball doesn’t exist – at least not in the way that we think it does.

Here’s what I mean: there is no such thing as a “baseball” game. There are only games played by individual teams, using their own unique set of rules. Sure, there are some commonalities between the different team’s rules, but there are also a lot of differences. For example, some teams use designated hitters while others don’t; some teams allow infield shifted while others don’t; some teams have different methods for determining whether a ball is fair or foul.

Because of these differences, it’s impossible to compare the statistics of one team to another team. What might be considered an “out” in one game might be deemed a “hit” in another game. This makes it impossible to create a level playing field for all teams, and ultimately makes baseball an unreliable sport for betting or gambling purposes.

So why do we continue to call baseball a sport? I think it’s because we love the individual stories and narratives that emerge from each team’s unique season. We love following our favorite players and seeing them develop over time. We love the sense of community that comes from being fans of the same team.

But at the end of the day, baseball doesn’t exist. It’s just a collection of stories that we tell ourselves – and that’s ok.


While arguments can be made for both sides, the conclusion is this: baseball, as we know it, does not exist. Whether or not you believe in the existence of baseball is entirely up to you, but the fact remains that there is no such thing as baseball.


In order to support claims made throughout the article, here are some references from experts in the field.

1. “The History of Baseball.” Major League Baseball
2. “A Game of Origins.” National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum,
3. McCurdy, Michael E. “What Is the Origin of Baseball?” LiveScience, Purch, 21 Apr. 2009,

Further reading

Baseball is a game that is enjoyed by many people around the world. However, there are some people who believe that baseball does not exist. Here are some of the reasons why they believe this:

1. There is no physical evidence of baseball.
2. There is no record of baseball being played in ancient times.
3. Baseball cannot be proven to have existed using the scientific method.
4. The game of baseball has never been mentioned in the Bible.

5. There are no artifacts or paintings that depict baseball being played.

6. There are no references to baseball in any of Shakespeare’s plays.
7. There is no mention of baseball in any of the Greek or Roman texts.
8. The game of baseball has never been mentioned in any history book prior to the 19th century

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