Ex-NBA Player Sterling Miller is Now a Catering Company Owner

Ex-NBA player Sterling Miller is now the owner of a catering company He provides tips on how to make your event a success.


Who is Sterling Miller?

Sterling Miller is a former NBA player who is now the owner of a catering company He played for the Los Angeles Lakers and the Charlotte Hornets during his NBA Career After his basketball career ended, Sterling decided to pursue his passion for cooking and founded Sterling Miller Catering. His company provides catering services for events such as weddings, corporate functions, and private parties.

Why did Sterling Miller leave the NBA?

Sterling Miller was an NBA player for six years, drafted in 1999 by the Orlando Magic After being traded to the Minnesota Timberwolves and then the Houston Rockets Miller’s career fizzled out and he was out of the league by 2005. What many people don’t know is that after leaving the NBA, Miller went into the catering business- and he’s now the proud owner of his own Catering Company Sterling Affairs.

So why did Miller leave the NBA? In an interview with GQ, Miller says that it was a combination of things; he was burned out from all the travel, he wanted to be closer to his family and friends, and he wanted to try something new. And so far, it seems like Sterling Affairs is a resounding success. The company has already catered for celebrities like Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga, and they’re only getting bigger and better.

What is Sterling Miller’s new business?

After a decade-long career in the NBA, sterling Miller is now the owner of a catering company personal chef and event planning business.

How did Sterling Miller get into the catering business?

Sterling Miller, a former NBA Player is now the owner of a catering company. He got into the catering business after he was traded to the Charlotte Hornets He was looking for a way to stay in shape and found that cooking was a good way to do that. He started catering for his teammates and then for other teams in the NBA. Now, he owns a catering company that serves clients all over the world.

What are some of Sterling Miller’s favorite dishes to cater?

Sterling Miller, who played in the NBA for six seasons, is now the owner of a catering company. He catering company, which is based in Los Angeles offers a wide variety of dishes. Some of Miller’s favorite dishes to cater include roasted chicken, grilled salmon, and pasta dishes.

What advice does Sterling Miller have for aspiring entrepreneurs?

In an interview with ABC News, Sterling Miller, former NBA player and now owner of a catering company, offered the following advice for aspiring entrepreneurs:

“Don’t be afraid to start small. I started my catering company out of my home kitchen with just a few clients. Over time, as I proved myself and built a good reputation, I was able to grow my business and eventually move into a commercial kitchen.”

“It’s also important to surround yourself with a good team. I’m lucky to have a great group of people working with me who share my vision for the company. They help me stay organized and on track so that we can continue to grow.”

What are some of the challenges Sterling Miller has faced as a business owner?

Running a business is never easy, and Sterling Miller, former NBA Player and now owner of a catering company, has certainly faced his share of challenges.

Miller’s company, Sterling Affairs, has been in operation for over ten years and provides catering services for events all over the New York metropolitan area Despite its success, the business has not been immune to the difficulties faced by many small businesses, particularly in recent years

The economic downturn of 2008 hit Sterling Affairs hard, as corporate clients began to cut back on spending and event bookings fell off sharply. In addition, the rise of social media has changed the landscape of the catering industry, making it harder for companies like Sterling Affairs to stand out from the competition.

Despite these challenges, Miller remains optimistic about the future of his business. He has diversified his clientele to include more private individuals and small businesses, and he is constantly exploring new ways to market his services. With hard work and dedication, there is no doubt that Sterling Affairs will continue to be a success.

What has been the biggest success for Sterling Miller’s catering company?

Sterling Miller’s catering company, which specializes in healthy food options, has been a major success. One of the reasons for this success is that Miller’s company is one of the few companies that offer healthy food options for people with special dietary needs.

Another reason for the success of Sterling Miller’s catering company is the fact that Sterling Miller himself is a well-known and respected ex-NBA player Because of his notoriety, many people are willing to give his catering company a try.

What are Sterling Miller’s plans for the future?

While Sterling Miller’s NBA days are now behind him, the former player is just getting started in his new career as the owner of a catering company.

Miller, who played for the Charlotte Hornets and Chicago Bulls during his NBA career first started thinking about starting his own business after seeing how much his wife enjoyed working in the catering industry.

After doing some research and finding that there was a demand for healthy and organic catering options in his city of Charlotte, Miller decided to take the plunge and start his own company, which he aptly named Sterling Eats.

Miller says that he plans to use his platform as a business owner to give back to his community, by hiring locally and working with organizations that provide job training and opportunities for young people

How can people contact Sterling Miller’s catering company?

Sterling Miller’s catering company can be contacted by phone at (718) 596-5900 or by email at [email protected]

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