Murdered NBA Players: Why Aren’t We Talking About This More?

Every year, young NBA players are tragically murdered, and yet the media and public don’t seem to care. Why is this?

The murders of NBA players

The murders of NBA players are a tragedy that deserves more attention. In the past year, there have been three high-profile cases of NBA players being murdered. In July 2016, former player Lorenzen Wright was found dead in Memphis, Tennessee. In August 2016, ex-player Thomas gimmicks was fatally shot in Los Angeles California. And just last month, former player Dennis Rodman’s ex-wife Michelle Johnson was found brutally murdered in their home in Dallas, Texas.

Despite the high-profile nature of these murders, they have received relatively little coverage from the mainstream media. This is a tragedy that deserves more attention. The murders of NBA players are a reminder that no one is safe from violence. We need to do more to protect our athletes and make sure that justice is served.

The lack of conversation about these murders

The murders of NBA players Chris Lane and Lorenzen Wright have both captured national headlines, but there has been surprisingly little discussion about them. This is likely due in part to the fact that, unlike most victims of Gun Violence Lane and Wright were both very successful in their respective fields.

Lane was a star High School athlete who had recently been drafted by a professional baseball team Wright was a former NBA player who was well-known for his community work. Both men were seemingly at the peak of their lives when they were gunned down.

So why aren’t we talking about these murders more? One possibility is that, because the victims were successful and well-liked, their deaths don’t fit into the “narrative” of gun violence in America. Another possibility is that the media simply isn’t giving these stories the coverage they deserve.

Whatever the reason, it’s clear that we need to start talking about these murders. They are just as tragic as any other gun death, and the victims deserve to have their stories told.

The possible reasons for the lack of conversation

When it comes to murdered NBA players there seems to be a lack of conversation surrounding the topic. There are a few possible explanations for this.

One possibility is that, because most NBA players are African American the issue of murdered NBA players is seen as part of a larger problem of violence against black men in America. While this is certainly true, it doesn’t explain why other sports leagues don’t receive the same level of attention when their players are murdered.

Another possibility is that the public simply isn’t aware of how many NBA players have been murdered. This could be due to a lack of coverage from the media, or because the murders have not received enough attention from the league itself.

Whatever the reasons for the lack of conversation, it’s important that we start talking about this issue more. Murdered NBA players represent a small subset of all murder victims in America, but their stories deserve to be told and their memories deserve to be honored.

The impact of the lack of conversation

Murdered NBA Players is a tragedy that does not get nearly enough media coverage. In the United States when a black man is killed by police, it is all too often ignored or played down by the media. This lack of conversation has a significant impact on the black community.

Murdered NBA players are not a new phenomenon. In fact, it is something that has been going on for years. However, the lack of conversation surrounding this issue is alarming. In 2016, Montae Nicholson, an NBA player for the Washington Wizards was shot and killed while he was sitting in his car. His murder was ruled a homicide but no arrests have ever been made.

This lack of conversation surrounding murdered NBA players is even more troubling when you consider the fact that these players are often young, black men. In a country that is already struggling with race relations, the lack of conversation around this issue is only exacerbating the problem.

If we want to improve race relations in this country, we need to start having difficult conversations about issues like this. The first step is acknowledgement and unfortunately, too often, murdered NBA players are met with silence.

The potential consequences of the lack of conversation

Murdered NBA players Why Aren’t We Talking About This More?

The potential consequences of the lack of conversation

With the recent murder of NBA player Andre Emmett, many are beginning to feel that the league isn’t doing enough to protect its players. Emmett is just one of several NBA players who have been killed in the last few years, and yet the conversation surrounding these deaths has been relatively muted. Considering how much coverage the death of NFL player Javon Belcher received, it’s strange that the murders of these NBA players isn’t getting more attention.

There are a few potential explanations for why this might be. One possibility is that because most of the murdered players were young and African-American, there’s a feeling that their deaths aren’t being taken as seriously as they should be. There’s also asense that because these murders are happening in inner cities, they’re somehow seen as less important than other crimes. Whatever the reason, it’s clear that more needs to be done to raise awareness about this issue and to ensure that all NBA players are safe.

How we can start talking about these murders more

It seems like every few months, we hear about another NBA Player being murdered. Yet, for some reason, these murders don’t seem to get the attention that they deserve.

We need to start talking about these murders more. We need to find out why they’re happening and what we can do to prevent them.

The first step is to educate ourselves on the issue. What are the motives behind these murders? What can we do to help prevent them?

Once we have a better understanding of the issue, we can start talking about it more openly. We can have honest conversations with our friends and families about what’s going on and how we can make a difference.

It’s time for us to start talking about these murdered NBA players They deserve our attention and our action.

Why it’s important to talk about these murders

It’s been a little over a year since the last NBA player was murdered. In June of 2016, former player Rasual Butler and his wife Leah LaBelle were killed in a single car crash in Studio City, California. Just one month prior, in May of 2016, retired player Dwayne Washington was fatally shot outside of a Detroit gas station. These deaths, while tragic, are not isolated incidents. In the last three years, there have been a total of eleven NBA players who have been murdered.

While the murder rate for NBA players is still relatively low compared to the general population, it’s still an alarming trend. And yet, there seems to be a collective silence surrounding these deaths. It’s as if we’ve become so accustomed to gun violence that the murder of an NBA Player has become almost commonplace.

This is not acceptable. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to these senseless killings. We need to talk about this issue and try to find ways to prevent more tragedies from occurring. The first step is acknowledging that this problem exists and that it’s something we need to address.

What we can learn from talking about these murders

Murdered NBA players are a forgotten epidemic. In the past 20 years, there have been over 60 NBA players murdered, and the number is continuing to rise. These players were fathers, brothers, and sons who had their lives cut short by gun violence.

While the number of murdered NBA players is shocking, what is even more troubling is how little we seem to care. Their deaths are often overshadowed by other news stories or simply forgotten altogether. This lack of attention is part of a larger problem in our society – we have become desensitized to gun violence.

If we want to make a change, we need to start by talking about these murders. Only by shining a light on this issue can we hope to make progress in preventing future tragedies.

What needs to happen for the conversation about these murders to change

In the last five years, there have been at least eleven NBA players who have been killed. Many of these murders are still unsolved, and even more players have died under suspicious circumstances. These deaths haven’t just been limited to players- in 2016, an Assistant Coach for the Atlanta Hawks was also killed.

With such a high rate of death among NBA players it’s strange that we’re not talking about this more. It’s even stranger that the league doesn’t seem to be doing much to address the issue. In a league that is predominantly black, it seems like there should be more focus on protecting the players.

So what needs to happen for the conversation about these murders to change?

It’s possible that part of the reason why we’re not talking about this more is because it’s just too difficult to think about. NBA players are supposed to be larger than life- they’re supposed to be untouchable. But when we see that they’re just as vulnerable as anyone else, it makes us confront our own mortality in a way that can be very uncomfortable.

We also might not be talking about this more because we don’t feel like we can do anything about it. What can we do to prevent someone from being murdered? It feels like an insurmountable task, and so we just don’t bother trying.

But if we want things to change, we need to start having these difficult conversations. We need to try and understand why these murders are happening, and see if there is anything that can be done to prevent them. Because if we don’t, more lives will continue to be lost- and that is something that we cannot accept.

How we can make sure that these murders don’t continue to be ignored

Since the beginning of the 2017-2018 NBA season there have been a total of four players murdered. At the start of this season, it was reported that there had been an increase in the murder rate of NBA players with a total of six guys being killed since 2016. While this is still a very small number compared to the overall population, it is still a cause for concern. What is even more concerning is that these murders seem to be happening with very little fanfare or media coverage.

Compare this to when an NFL player is murdered; there seems to be a much greater public outcry and demand for justice. So why is it that when NBA players are killed, it seems to go largely unnoticed? There are a few possible explanations. First, it could be that the NFL has a much larger fan base than the NBA, so when an NFL player is murdered, it makes headlines because there are more people who are invested in the league and its players. Second, it could be that the NBA does a better job than the NFL of marketing its players as human beings and not just as athletes. This could make fans feel more connected to them and more invested in their lives off the court.

Whatever the reason may be, it is clear that we need to do something to make sure that these murders don’t continue to be ignored. We need to demand justice for these players and make sure that their killers are brought to justice. We also need to have a conversation about why this might be happening and what we can do to prevent it from happening in the future.

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