Look-Alikes: NBA Star and Dead Ringer
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- Look-alikes: NBA Star and doppelganger
- The uncanny resemblance between NBA players and their doppelgangers
- Why do some NBA players have dead ringers?
- The science behind why we see faces in everyday objects
- How our brains trick us into seeing faces where there are none
- The history of look-alikes and why we are fascinated by them
- Famous look-alikes throughout history
- The psychology of why we are attracted to look-alikes
- Can we use look-alikes to our advantage?
- The future of look-alikes
A doppelganger is defined as a person who closely resembles another. In this blog post, we take a look at some of the NBA’s most famous doppelgangers.
Look-alikes: NBA Star and doppelganger
NBA star Shaquille O’Neal has a doppelganger and the Internet can’t get enough. A photo of O’Neal’s look-alike, who goes by the name of “Big Shaq,” went viral on Twitter this week, prompting users to do a double take.
“Big Shaq” is actually just a regular guy named Suresh Kumar, who was snapped by a fan while attending an event in India last month. It’s unclear if Kumar is aware of his resemblance to the retired NBA Star but social media users are convinced that the two could be twins.
The comparison was first made by Twitter user @ab0ve average, who posted photos of the two side-by-side with the caption: “Shaquille O’Neal and his long lost Indian twin.” The tweet quickly went viral, racking up over 100,000 likes and 20,000 retweets.
While some users were skeptical at first, others were quick to point out that Kumar does indeed bear a striking resemblance to O’Neal. And judging by the response on social media it seems like the internet can’t get enough of this unlikely doppelganger.
The uncanny resemblance between NBA players and their doppelgangers
While some might say that everyone has a doppelganger, there are certain people in the world who look so much alike that it’s almost eerie. This is especially true for celebrities, who often have fans who could easily pass for their twin. When it comes to NBA players there are a few players who have doppelgangers that are practically indistinguishable from them.
One player who has a dead ringer is Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry His doppelganger is none other than actor Liam Neeson. The two men share the same piercing blue eyes and distinct facial features. Neeson even took to Twitter to express his surprise at how often he’s mistaken for Curry.
Another player with an uncanny resemblance to someone in the entertainment industry is Houston Rockets player James Harden His doppelganger is actor and singer Usher. The two men share similar features, including their facial structure and hairstyle.
Finally, there’s Boston Celtics player Kyrie Irving who bears a striking similarity to actor Leonardo DiCaprio. The two men have comparable features, including their noses and mouths.Interestingly enough, both Irving and DiCaprio have also played characters who were tricksters (DiCaprio in “Catch Me If You Can” and Irving in “Uncle Drew”).
So, next time you’re watching an NBA game and you see a player who looks familiar, don’t be surprised if you can’t quite place where you’ve seen them before. Chances are, you’re seeing their celebrity doppelganger.
Why do some NBA players have dead ringers?
When it comes to the NBA, there are a few players who stand out not only for their play on the court, but also for their resemblance to other people. From actors to musicians, these 10 players have some pretty famous doppelgäangers.
So why do some NBA players have dead ringers? While it’s hard to say for sure, one theory is that it’s simply a matter of statistics. With so many people in the world, it’s not surprising that there are bound to be a few who look uncannily like each other.
Whatever the reason, these 10 players are proof that sometimes life can be stranger than fiction.
1. Lebron James and Vladimir Putin
There’s no denying that Cleveland Cavaliers star Lebron James and Russian President Vladimir Putin bear a striking resemblance to one another. Both men are tall and athletic with square jaws and piercing eyes. They even dress similarly, often opting for dark suits and button-down shirts.
2. Russell Westbrook and Alphonso Ribeiro
Houston Rockets point guard Russell Westbrook and actor Alphonso Ribeiro share more than just a last name. They both have wide eyes, thick eyebrows and big smiles. ribeiro is best known for his role as Carlton Banks on “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,” while Westbrook is one of the NBA’s most electrifying players.
3. Dwyane Wade and Gabriel Union
It’s not just their famous spouses that connect Miami Heat shooting guard Dwyane Wade and actress Gabrielle Union The two also share similar features, including brown skin, big eyes and full lips. Wade has said that he gets told he looks like Union “all the time,” but we think they could easily be mistaken for siblings.
4. Dirk Nowitzki and David Hasselhoff
Dallas Mavericks forward Dirk Nowitzki has joked that he gets called “The Hoff” because of his resemblance to actor David Hasselhoff. Both men are tall with blue eyes, fair skin and receding hairlines. Nowitzki even has a bit of a German accent, like Hasselhoff does when he plays Michael Knight on “Knight Rider.”
5. Chris Paul and A$AP Rocky
New Orleans Pelicans point guard Chris Paul bears a striking resemblance to rapper A$AP Rocky . Both men have high cheekbones, full lips and dark hair styled in a similar way . Paul even has a tattoo of Rocky on his arm , which he got in tribute to his doppelganger . We’re not sure if Rocky has reciprocated the tribute , but we wouldn’t be surprised if he did .
6 . Kevin Durant and Ricky Rubio Oklahoma City Thunder small forward Kevin Durant looks so much like Minnesota Timberwolves point guard Ricky Rubio that they could be related . Both men have thin frames , large eyes , full lips snd wide noses . Nd they eve dress alilke often wearing headphones around their necks ndy hoodies pulled up over their heads .
7 7 . Kobe Bryant anh Kanye West Los Angeles Lakers shooting gua Kobe byrant d an American rappe Kanye West share more tha just tes of celebrity status With simil thin build prominent noses an matching serious expressions its easy t see how the two could be confused for each other add in the fact tha West once wore Bryants jersey to an NB game nd its clear tha these tow will always be linked by theire likeness
The science behind why we see faces in everyday objects
We’ve all seen it before. We look at a cloud and see a face looking back at us. We see a face in the moon. We even see faces in inanimate objects like cars or toasters. Why is this?
It’s called pareidolia, and it’s a quirk of human perception. Pareidolia is the tendency to interpret random stimuli as familiar patterns. When we see a face in an object, we’re seeing something that isn’t really there. But our brains are wired to see faces, so we often can’t help but seeing them even when they’re not really there.
Pareidolia is thought to be related to survival. Our brains are hardwired to spot faces because they’re important for identifying friends and foes. In the past, spotting a disguised enemy could mean the difference between life and death. Today, seeing faces in everyday objects isn’t likely to help us survive, but it’s still fun!
How our brains trick us into seeing faces where there are none
We’ve all seen it before. You’re looking at a cloud and suddenly it looks like a face. Or, you see a face in the bark of a tree. We tend to see faces in everyday objects because our brains are wired to do so.
When we see a face, our brain recognizes it as such and sends out the appropriate signals to our muscles, which then adjust our facial expressions to match what we’re seeing. This is why we automatically smile when we see someone smiling at us.
What’s more, research has shown that seeing faces in everyday objects can have a positive effect on our mood and state of mind. So go ahead and let your brain trick you into seeing faces where there are none!
The history of look-alikes and why we are fascinated by them
We have always been fascinated by look-alikes, from ancient times when people believed that doppelgangers were omens of death to more recent times when we use them for entertainment value. There are many famous examples of look-alikes throughout history, including Abraham Lincoln and John Wilkes Booth, Marilyn Monroe and Norma Jean Baker, and Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen.
Some believe that we are drawn to look-alikes because they remind us of ourselves or people we know. Others believe that we are simply fascinated by the idea that someone out there looks just like us. Whatever the reason, there is no denying that we are intrigued by the idea of finding our doppelganger.
Interestingly, there is some scientific evidence to suggest that we are more likely to be drawn to people who share our DNA. In one study, researchers found that people were more likely to rate photos of strangers as attractive if those strangers shared their DNA.
So, the next time you see a celebrity look-alike, or even just a random person who looks like someone you know, take a closer look. You might be surprised by what you find.
Famous look-alikes throughout history
Throughout history, there have been many famous people who have had uncanny resemblance to other famous people. Here are just a few examples:
NBA star Lebron James and rapper Drake share an uncanny resemblance. Both are tall, dark, and handsome with chiseled features. It’s no wonder they’ve often been mistaken for each other!
Johnny Depp and actor/musician Jared Leto are both talented actors with rock star good looks. They both have long, curly hair and often sport facial hair. It’s no wonder they’ve been mistaken for each other on occasion!
Actor Bill Murray and cartoon character Jiminy Cricket from Disney’s “Pinocchio” share more than just a first name. They both have round faces, big eyes, and prominent noses. It’s no wonder they’ve been confused for each other!
The psychology of why we are attracted to look-alikes
We are often attracted to look-alikes because they make us feel comfortable and they remind us of ourselves. The idea that we are attracted to people who look like us has been around for centuries, but it was first scientifically studied in the 1970s by Swiss psychologist Walter Mischel.
Mischel found that when people were shown pictures of strangers, they were more likely to rate the strangers as attractive if they looked like them. This finding has been replicated many times since then.
There is a scientific explanation for why we are attracted to look-alikes. When we see someone who looks like us, we assume that this person has similar genes to us. And because we are genetically programmed to want to mate with someone who has similar genes, we are subconsciously drawn to these people.
So, next time you find yourself attracted to someone who looks like your ex or your childhood crush, you can rest assured that there is a scientific explanation for it!
Can we use look-alikes to our advantage?
It’s not just that we see celebrities and think, “I wish I looked like that.” We also recognize that they have something that we want — whether it’s talent, money, power, or just really good hair. So it follows that we would also want to look like them.
A recent study found that people are more likely to vote for a political candidate if they find that candidate physically attractive. And while we may not want to admit it, we are often swayed by good looks in other aspects of our lives as well — from jobs and relationships to the products we buy.
So can we use this to our advantage? Should we all go out and find our doppelgängers in hopes of cashing in on their fame and fortune?
Unfortunately, it’s not quite that simple. While there are some benefits to looking like a celebrity, there are also some disadvantages. Let’s take a closer look at both sides of the coin.
The future of look-alikes
As technology improves, the use of look-alikes is likely to increase. Look-alikes can be used for entertainment, advertising, and even political purposes.
The use of look-alikes in advertising and entertainment is nothing new. Look-alikes have been used in commercials, movies, and television shows for many years. However, the use of digital technology has made it possible to create more realistic look-alikes than ever before.
Some companies have started using look-alikes for political purposes as well. In the United States there are a number of firms that specialize in creating political ads that feature look-alikes of candidates or other famous people.
The future of look-alikes is likely to be even more widespread and realistic as technology continues to improve.